
Dairy Free Cauli Pizza

1 CAULIPOWER Plain Crust
1 tbsp. avocado oil
1 cup fresh tomato sauce
1 tsp oregano
2 cloves garlic
1 8-oz can diced petite tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella shreds
6-8 uncured pepperoni slices (optional)
1/2 bell pepper
1/4 onion
Pinch of sea salt

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Remove your caulipower crust from the box. Spread the avocado oil over the frozen crust. This prevents your sauce from bleeding into your crust as it bakes.

In a high power blender or food processor, dump tomatoes, oregano, and garlic, salt and blend until pureed. Pour 1 cup of sauce in the middle of crust and spread to the edges. Add mozzarella sheds and veggies. I’ll usually add a few slices of uncured pepperoni to the mix too.

Bake for 10-13 minutes until crust is golden brown and veggies have cooked through. Store the remaining tomato sauce for up to a week and use for the 2nd pizza crust it comes with.