Showing 29 Result(s)

Pepper Steak w/ Soba Noodles

Gluten free. Delicious. Quick. Easy. 1 lb Angus Steak (bite size pieces) 1 tbsp corn starch 1 1/3 cup liquid aminos 2 tbsp honey 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp Worcestershire 1/4 rice vinegar 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp ground ginger dash crushed red pepper To make ”Soy Sauce” In medium sauce pan, bring …


Southern New Year’s Stew

INGREDIENTS Spice Blend In a dutch oven, add saute onion and bell pepper for 5-7 minutes. Add garlic and stir for 1 minute. Add potatoes, beans, tomatoes, and seasoning mix (except cayenne pepper). Stir until all veggies are coated in seasoning. Add broth, water, liquid smoke, then stir. Add collard greens and stir. Allow the …


Japanese Salmon Bowl

I love a good nourishing bowl. This Japanese bowl has all the flavor and all the nutrients! Salmon glazed in amino acid, raw honey, Dijon mustard with sesame seeds, over cauliflower rice, roasted brussel sprouts and sautéed collard greens. Fully balanced and nutritional meal for meal prep or a healthy family dinner. 10 brussel sprouts, …

Mango Avocado Smoothie

New Year, New Me

Practice putting better fuel in your body. Our bodies are just like cars. When we put cheap fuel and don’t upkeep them for maintenance, they run like crap and don’t last very long. As the holidays leave us, and many of you are hyping up #newyearnewme – keep your nutrition in the forefront of your …


4 Healthy Tips for the Working Mom

“You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Managing my wellness as a working parent is extremely exhausting. Today’s mom wears so many hats – mom/dad, sister/brother, friend, grandparent, employee, cousin, the list goes on… which leaves this question, how on earth do you have time to take care of yourself?!? The first step is realizing …


The 6 Best Mindfulness Apps for Managing Stress

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ultricies ultricies nulla, convallis maximus lacus imperdiet sed. Etiam gravida arcu eget scelerisque gravida. Donec sit amet lectus feugiat, cursus felis sed, suscipit leo. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus dolor ipsum, convallis in quam nec, lobortis facilisis dolor. Pellentesque purus diam, laoreet vitae erat tincidunt, rutrum imperdiet dolor. …


How to Build Self Care Into Your Daily Routine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ultricies ultricies nulla, convallis maximus lacus imperdiet sed. Etiam gravida arcu eget scelerisque gravida. Donec sit amet lectus feugiat, cursus felis sed, suscipit leo. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus dolor ipsum, convallis in quam nec, lobortis facilisis dolor. Pellentesque purus diam, laoreet vitae erat tincidunt, rutrum imperdiet dolor. …