Hey there!
I’m Coach Robbin, a Holistic Health Coach, Author, Healthy Chef and founder of HealthyLoving. After suffering from degenerative disc disease, nutrition and fitness were my best options aside from surgery. Throughout my healing journey, I discovered a passion for helping others get healthy. I learned that getting healthy goes much deeper than our diet and exercise; our emotions, spiritual awareness, and environment all play a vital role in our health.


So what’s up with the name HealthyLoving? HealthyLoving was born through me “attempting” to help others through fun detox challenges on social media and little did I know it started a fire within. Not only was I getting healthier from my health issues but now I was driven to help others get healthier. Health is much more than just your body, but learning to love yourself enough to be healthy involves taking a deeper look into your mind and soul as well.

Learn to Love Yourself Enough To Be Healthy

After finishing up my Master’s degree at the Maryland University of Integrative Health, I’ve learned one critical aspect of health coaching, I can’t do this for you. As a coach, I can be there, provide you with the tools or resources you may need, but everyone’s walk in life is different. As your coach, I can help you figure out what works best for you, and then we put that plan into action. It’s your journey but we will walk together.

I’m a single mom. Probably one of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had in life. My two human boys and little furry baby, Sox, are everything that motivates me to get up and push one foot forward every day. I’m not perfect. I’m still growing. Being a health coach has just brought more awareness to the table for me to be able to help others, but at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to be and do better than we were yesterday.

Thanks for taking the time to read along!

Coach Robbin

If you’d like to connect with me some more and stay tuned in to HealthyLoving, find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.